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PROTOTYPE version patch notes:



- NEW: Added Rock, Mud and Grass terrain materials.


- FIXED: Incompatibility issues with Unreal Engine v4.20


- FIXED: Terrain shadowing.


- Increased Prime's power.


- Improved Clouds opacity.


- Increased Time of Day and Clouds speed.

Last patch

All Selected tracks are available to Twitch broadcasters to use freely in Twitch Live and Recorded Videos but not included in-game.

Fallen Minions

Fallen Minions

We want to introduce you Fallen Minions, our project 100% Blueprint using free assets like Paragon: Minions (not Heroes) because our goal it's a game for the Minions as fully playable characters.



In real time strategy games, a fallen Minion is the last stand resource of a defeated team base, they are the only ones who can rebuild the Core. The most important military unit. In MOBA games, their are always below any Hero but they have always the chance of killing them. How many times they killed you, not a player, or they last hitted an enemy player? They always fight for you and they will never betray you... Minions are the real heroes.



For now, we have one map for one Player versus Environment mode and 3 fully different playable Characters:


- MinionMDW-1D: One directional character. He don't forget Heroes like Grux, Khaimera or Khallari and charges in to become a real killer.


- MinionMSW-2D: Two directional switcher character. He don't forget Heroes like Greystone, FengMao or Rampage and he explodes as much as he miss them.


- MinionRSW-FP: First person character. She don't forget Heroes like Aurora, Lt. Belica or TwinBlast and she shotguns the path to become as "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" as her idols.




But Minions can't jump, they have not inventory and they do not use items. We needed to design a direct gameplay with only 2 action buttons (Quick and Hard Attacks). In order to get some fun with so limited characters, we needed to compact the game mechanics. That gives to the player real time control over the stats.



0.00n Studio is our "Army of a Couple" game development team, we both started with very little resources and we were surprised with the results using Unreal Engine 4.



"Building a game is like crossing the ocean while building the boat."



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